I wanted to take a quick minute today and share a couple things on a topic inseparably connected to neckties—interviewing.
Interviewing is a hot topic. At first, I didn’t know why this topic is getting so much attention—but I looked into what my peers were saying online, and it started to make sense. Our current work culture—from corporations to the freelance market—has transformed interviewing into a new beast that’s far different than it was even five years ago.
Think about the tech movement. Companies are cropping up right and left—and touting incredible corporate cultures that feel more like theme parks than the cubicle game.
Employees are also staying with their current jobs for much shorter periods of time. The millennial generation has been throwing employers through a loop. At the end of the day, if you’re interviewing for a job and want to nail it, how do you make sure you end up on top?
Amidst this kind of cultural corporate overhaul, some things still reign true: you have to dress to impress.
While business casual has clearly dominated the workplace, those who are dressed like they want to succeed—usually do. Nice shoes, a clean, pressed shirt, a nice belt, and a nice tie is always a way to show that you value yourself—and that you value the business you're courting.
So, if you have an interview coming up and you’re fretting over how many oddball questions you’re going to get, don't forget that fashion is something to consider—you have to look your best!
Résumés are always important, but presentation goes far beyond the page.
Anyway—thanks for reading this quick note.